Making a Difference

We’re thrilled to share the latest updates from St. Mary’s School and Caritas Garissa under the patronage of His Lordshib Bishop George Muthaka.

Construction Progress. The construction of the new junior secondary school classrooms at St. Mary’s School is nearing completion. This expansion will provide more educational opportunities for students in the Garissa region.

Environmental Initiatives. The church’s YACA team is making a significant impact on the environment. Their tree-planting efforts are contributing to a greener and more sustainable community.

Caritas Garissa’s Growth. Caritas Garissa continues to expand its reach and services. They have been actively building partnerships with organizations worldwide to enhance their ability to support the community.

Get Involved. We encourage you to learn more about the incredible work being done by Catholic Diocese of Garissa. Consider making a donation or volunteering your time to support these important initiatives.