The Organizational Capacity Assessment (OCA) conducted in partnership with the dioceses was instrumental in identifying the strengths and gaps within Caritas Garissa. With the Bishop’s full endorsement, the process laid a solid foundation for targeted capacity development.

Key Elements of the OCA Process:


  • Diocesan Engagement: The active participation of dioceses was essential in providing valuable insights into local contexts and priorities. Their ownership of the process ensured the relevance and sustainability of the subsequent actions.
  • Comprehensive Assessment: A thorough evaluation of human resources, financial management, organizational structure, and partnerships enabled a comprehensive understanding of Caritas Garissa’s capabilities.
  • Strategic Action Planning: The OCA findings informed the development of tailored action plans for each diocese, addressing specific capacity gaps and leveraging existing strengths.

Benefits of Bishop’s Endorsement: The Bishop’s support was pivotal in galvanizing commitment and resources for capacity development initiatives. It strengthened the organization’s position within the community and facilitated collaboration with key stakeholders.

Next Steps:To maximize the impact of the OCA, Caritas Garissa should prioritize the following:

  • Implementation of Action Plans: Allocate necessary resources and establish clear timelines for executing capacity building activities.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Track progress, measure outcomes, and make adjustments as needed.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Document and disseminate lessons learned to inform future initiatives and strengthen organizational learning.