Brief History of St. Joseph the Worker Parish - wajir.

After the Consolata Missionaries founded the Parish of Garissa, they travelled to Wajir, and in 1970 started working there. Fr. Baldazzi succeeded to get a plot on which he built the “Girls Town” for poor and orphan girls. At that time, in Wajir there was only one Church that was shared by the Catholics and the Protestants alike. When the Capuchins arrived in Wajir in 1976 they saw for the building of a Church. A plot was given by the authorities for that purpose and under the supervision of the late Fr. Joseph Gauci OFMCap, a missionary from Malta; a new church was constructed and dedicated to St. Joseph. In 1986 the Catholic Church took over of the Rehabilitation­ Centre, for children with special needs.

Address location and out stations

St Joseph the Worker Catholic Church – Wajir Parish,                          

P.O. Box 17, 70200, Wajir.

Habaswein            Catholic Church            

                 P.O. Box 17,                

                 Wajir – 70200

Girls’ Town

 Daughters of St. Ann  in charge of Fr. John Pry School


 Rehabilitation Centre camilians srs.

Catholic Church ( 072 8665594

P.O. Box 17, :

Call or visit us.


Catholic Diocese Of Garissa
P.O.Box 7 – 70100, Garissa – Kenya 


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